Hydrogen Chloride - HCl
Hazard: Flammable - Will explode, LEL 12.5%
Classification: Health - Extremely toxic
Oxidizing Agent
Synonyms: Anhydrous Hydrochloric Acid, Chlorohydric Acid, Hydrochloride, Spirits of Salt, Muriatic Acid
Exposure limits: (OSHA) PEL\TWA: 5 ppm
(OSHA) IDLH: 50 ppm
Industries: Vinyl and Cotton Production, Semi-Conductor Crystals Etching, Petroleum and Gas Wells, Steel Manufacturing
Hydrogen Chloride is a colorless to slight yellow corrosive gas with a pungent irritating odor. Although not considered a combustible gas, it may react or form combustible compounds when contact is made with alcohol and hydrogen cyanide or with aluminum-titanium alloys. Dissolving Hydrogen Chloride in water will yield a strong highly corrosive acid. It is for this reason that HCl is a strong irritant to the eyes, nose, and upper respiratory tract. Levels of 35 ppm can cause irritation to the throat even after a very short period of time.
Effects of Various HCl Levels
Hydrogen Chloride Level in PPM Resulting Conditions on Humans
.25 Odor threshold
5 Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)
35 Irritation to the eyes, nose, throat even after a short period of time.
50 Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH)
1,300-2,000 Death in 2-3 minutes