Ozone - O3
Hazard: Flammable Non-Flammable, Oxidizer
Classification: Health Extremely toxic
Synonyms: Triatomic oxygen
Exposure limits: (OSHA) PEL\TWA: 0.1 ppm
(ACGIH) STEL: 0.3 ppm
(OSHA) IDLH: 5 ppm
Industries: WWTP, Power Generation, Welding
Ozone is a non-flammable gas that is typically colorless to blue in color. It has a very pungent odor. It is a powerful oxidizer and should be kept away form all oxidizable materials both organic and inorganic. Ozone is typically formed around high-powered electrical equipment where sparking is evident. Ozone attacks the eyes and respiratory system and can cause pulmonary edema. Victims should be removed from the area immediately and given 100% oxygen.
Effects of Various O3 Levels
Ozone Level in PPM Resulting Conditions on Humans
0.1 OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL).
0.3 OSHA Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL)
36 Diarrhea, nausea, respiratory distress.
501 Lethal after 45 minutes
2000 Lethal after 1-3 minutes |