Nitrogen Dioxide - NO2
Hazard: Flammable Will not explode
Classification: Health Extremely toxic
Oxidizing agent
Synonyms: Dinitrogen tetroxide, nitrogen peroxide nitrogen tetroxide, and NTO
Exposure limits: (OSHA) PEL\TWA: 5 ppm
(ACGIH) STEL: 5 ppm/ 15 min
(OSHA) IDLH: 50 ppm / 30 min
Industries: Mining using diesel powered machinery, garages, chemical plants
Nitrogen dioxide is a yellowish-brown gas with a characteristic pungent, acrid odor. Nitrogen dioxide is soluble in water at which time it reacts to form nitric acid. NO2 can be found in industries where the burning of diesel fuel takes place. The most toxic component in diesel emissions is nitrogen dioxide.
Nitrogen dioxide exposure in low doses can cause irritation of the eyes and throat, headache, nausea, and gradual loss of strength. High doses of NO2 can cause pulmonary edema (water in the lungs) and death.
Effects of Various NO2 Levels
Nitric DioxideLevel in PPM Resulting Conditions on Humans
.2-1 Detectable by pungent, acrid odor
1 Permissible Exposure Level (OSHA, ACGIH)
5-10 Irritation of the nose and throat
20 Irritation of the eyes
50 Maximum exposure for a 30 minute period
100-200 Tightness in the chest, acute bronchitis, and death from prolonged exposure |